A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Saturday, April 18
in “Ask an Internet Patrolman™,” a query has rolled in on the station house wire from none other than avowed film memorabilia collector
and retired Archbishop of Capetown, South Africa, Desmond Mpilo Tutu, who writes,
“Your Eminence Dooley: Was the retribution paid the prostitutes “shameful,” as posited in the
grindhouse classic, ‘Olga’s House of Shame’?” Brilliant question, your
Bishopship! Indeed, the forced submission, ill-fitting leatherette costumes and
poor quality Dollar Store® restraints all had a bloody shameful element to it. But methinks
rightfully so! The ladies in Madame Olga's employ were brazenly servicing johns
on the side and cutting her out of the take. Who did they think was keeping the
lights on in the abandoned warehouse brothel? Who was paying to run the
unvented space heaters in the all-but-barren bedrooms? Who was it that hung the
pest control strips, toweled off the sheets and Febrezed® the pillowcases once
monthly? Bloody Olga, that's who! While I — as you, my churchly brutha from another mutha — am troubled by the
sinfulness of the profession — the dirty shenanigans and gravity-defying
couplings — I'm guided by the universal truth that lets the punishment fit the
crime. These bird were biting the hand that feeds. Shame. On. Them.