A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Saturday, February 19
Bon Voyage: Remembering Bon Scott
Celebrating a Deathday™: Bare-chested, bare-knuckled brawler and catcaller Ronald Belford “Bon” Scott of AC/DC® infamy chug-a-lugged his last quart of Fosters®, flipped off his last concert promoter and urinated on the tires of his last tour bus before heading straight down the “Highway to Hell” on this day, February 19, 1980. He was a hellbound train, to be sure, but I rather liked him and thought it a shame he survived only a month into the ‘80’s, as he would've rightly slapped singers like Simon James Le Bond or Boy Crazy George upside of their mascara'd noggins, putting a stop to New Wave Muzak® before it started. Born in Forfar, Scotland, July 9, 1946, Bon's family moved to Australia when he was a lad, despite young Bon's attempts to ball his fists and punch his Dad’s lights out for even considering subjecting them to the land of Vegemite® sandwiches, didgeridoos and news reporter Linda Kozlowski. Bon was a feisty fun lover from the git-go — as in, “go git me another pint, luv." Before his turn in the spotlight, Bon was often found in the high beams of a policeman's motorcar. He got tossed outta high school and then tossed outta the juvenille home for tossin’ a naughty social worker’s salad. He did time as a postman, a bartender, even a bloody shite shoveller at a fertilizer plant, before eventually meeting up with diminutive, schoolboy-clad guitarist Angus Young and turning up the Marshall Brodien™ amplifiers to 11. AC/DC were “High Voltage”, but they were winking all the while, with song titles like "Dirty Niece (Done Dirt Cheap)", “She's Got The Jack (And I Don’t Mean Daniels)” and “I've Got Big Balls (Great Big Hairy Arse Balls)”. They were on the verge of international fame, working on their sixth album when Bon was found dead in South London. He was just 33. Bon's been post-humorously honored ten ways to Sunday mass, including his induction into the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame, which doesn't mean much considering the Flaming Red Hot Five Alarm Chili Peppers™ also got in. Bon was named greatest rock frontman of all time by Classic Rock magazine, which he himself would've have laughed at as everyone knows that honor belongs to Eddie and the Cruiser's frontman John "Beaver Brown" Cafferty. Bon was one a kind alright. The kind mum and dad warned your about! Happy Ani-hearse-ary™ to "Night Prowler" and howler extraordinaire Bon Scott.