A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Thursday, November 19
Hey, Killer
Random Memorandum® to Citizen Songbird™ Brandon Lee Flowers of Las Vegas house band The Killerers. Let me get this straight, Chumley: Somebody told you that he or she had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend that you had in February of last year? What in blue denim blazes does that mean? I've heard my share of tall tales whilst patrolling the vast and serpentine Misinformation Superhighway™, but that one takes the bloody crumbcake! To begin with, the galfriend you had in February of last year would be news to your Mormon missus, but we'll set that aside with the assumption you've been flashing your artistic license again. Help me out though, matey: The boyfriend, can we assume he has feminine characteristics or are you implying 'tis the galfriend with the opposing features — the Adam's apple, large hands and such? You say it was only a month-long affair; well, that’s the way of love and heartbreak and birds who resemble blokes, isn’t it, haha? Now, the person who had the boyfriend who looked like the bloody galfriend, was this a gent or a lass? Seems a fair question given today's gender-bendering climate — not that there's anything wrong or prolonged with it — I’m merely having trouble tracking. As for the somebody who told you, 'tis not particularly important, though it does give one pause. Lastly, you say it’s not confidential. Clearly not, as I’ve been hearing you prattle on about it from the massive Marantz® cabinetry speakers in the station house forever and a livelong day. In closing, we would be obliged for any assistance you can provide as we continue to investigate this confounding matter. Yours Truly, Internet Patrolman Dooley®.