Celebrating a Deathday: Legendary, one-eyed rock ‘n roll front man Dr. Hook died on this day, December 28, 2018. Born Ray Sawyer on February 1, 1937 in Chickasaw, Alabammy, the medicinal showman brought a style all his own to shiteheel hootenannies of the day and before long, his eye-patch, neckerchief and crushed cowboy hat found fame on an international level. Of all the phony physicians of recent memory—Dr. Pepper, Dr. Phil and plaid-panted horn blower Doctor Severinsen—Dr. Hook was the real deal, bringing hooks to memorable song and bong hits such as “When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman (You’re Capable Of All Manner Of Ill-Advised Public Displays of Affection),” “Sylvia’s Mum (Is, Frankly, Not All That Impressed With Whistler’s Mum),” “Sharing The Night Together (With Your Best Mate’s Sister Is Not Going To End Well For Either Of You)” and, of course, “(Totally Stoned) On The Cover Of The Rolling Stone.” On a personal note, Yours Truly Dooley had the pleasure of policing a Medicine Show at the BBC, circa 1980. The evening found the good doctor in fine form, struttin’ and a-hollerin’ until a wardrobe malfunction bared his chest, which led to a near skirmish amongst his hirsute sidemen after the performance. Seems the fellers didn’t like being further upstaged by their charismatic cover boy singer; but in his good-natured way, he cajoled them into brushin’ it off and they commenced to a-drinkin’ and a-carryin’ on ‘til all hours. Dr. Hook later “opened his own practice,” as ‘twere, playing solo for years on the oldies circuit. Just three years retired, Dr. Hook died quietly in Daytona Beach, Florida and one trusts that other long-haired howlers of the era will welcome his RIP-snortin’ company at that Rock Concert stage in the sky. Dr. Hook was 81.