A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Friday, December 31
Chop, Chop
Thursday, December 30
Razzing the Bar
If Memory Swerves, ‘twas on this day in history, December 30, 1955, that funny-faced vocal prodigy Barbra Streisand recorded “You’ll Never Know” at a New York studio. Originally intended as a novelty number, the song was written in response to nagging questions about the unusual spelling of “Bar-bra,” versus the more conventional “Bar-ba-bra.” Was it a birth hospital recording error? A deliberate A&R ploy? Did her language-challenged immigrant parents prefer the economy of a phonetic spelling? “You’ll Never Know,” was Streisand’s coy response. ‘Twould prove to be a brilliant retort that silenced the nascent blogosphere and before long, “A Star Was Born” or something. Over the years, others would remake the song when the spotlight shone too brightly on them. Doris Day recorded it when questions about co-star Rock Hudson’s virgility dogged them. Had Hudson’s rock ever presented itself during their pillow talks ‘neath the sheets? “You’ll Never Know,” she cooed to Hollywood busybody Rhonda Barrett. Tough-talking Eye-talian short stack Francesco Sinatro performed it in response to relentless badgering over whether he’d sliced off a horse’s head and tucked it into a producer’s bed. “You’ll Never Know” (“you country cocksuckers,” the bad actor added off mike.) Vocalist Denny Doherty of The Hippy Mamas and Hirsute Papas cut the song for a solo album in hopes of quelling the constant queries about whether the late Cass Elliott choked on a hamspread sandwich ‘top the toilet. “You’ll Never Know,” he sang defiantly. But ‘twas always and forever “Bar’s” song, bless her, and she returned to it time and again over the year when questions invaded the now 90-something’s personal space. Why did she ditch mutton-chopped seventies star Elliot Ghoul for jelly-haired hotelier James Brolin? “You’ll Never Know.” Yentl? “You Don’t Want To Know.”
Wednesday, December 29
Wounded Knee, Massacred
As I Underhand It, two events of historical significance are attached to this day in history, December 29, the first being that sad business back in 1890, when the itchy trigger fingers of the U.S. Cavalry sent upwards of three hundred men, women and children to an icy mass grave overlooking Wounded Knee creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. ‘Twas bloody human failing on a massive scale to be sure, but one that provided the impetus for the latter, happier event in the winter of 2012, when Dr. Shane Haberkorn and his surgical team cut the ribbon on their “Wounded Knees, Hips and Shoulders” Orthopedic Facility in Rapid City. A native South Dakotan and former quarterback, “Crazy Horse” Haberkorn (pictured) is a history buff who finds inspiration in the spirit of the Lakota, whose framed images dot the walls of the center. The site of the battlefield massacre in Oglala County has long been a National Historic Landmark, but Dr. Haberkorn and his associates were the first to properly memorialize the fallen in their work on behalf of wounded patients, performing everything from minimally invasive arthroscopy to total joint reconstruction. Today, we respectfully remember the lives lost at Wounded Knee and the limbs revitalized at Wounded Knee Ortho, whose current office expansion is indicative of their continuing reverence for the hallowed ground, as is the ceremonial cigar store injun awaiting unveiling in the front hall supply closet.
Tuesday, December 28
Playin' Hooky: Remembering Dr. Hook

Celebrating a Deathday: Legendary, one-eyed rock ‘n roll front man Dr. Hook died on this day, December 28, 2018. Born Ray Sawyer on February 1, 1937 in Chickasaw, Alabammy, the medicinal showman brought a style all his own to shiteheel hootenannies of the day and before long, his eye-patch, neckerchief and crushed cowboy hat found fame on an international level. Of all the phony physicians of recent memory—Dr. Pepper, Dr. Phil and plaid-panted horn blower Doctor Severinsen—Dr. Hook was the real deal, bringing hooks to memorable song and bong hits such as “When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman (You’re Capable Of All Manner Of Ill-Advised Public Displays of Affection),” “Sylvia’s Mum (Is, Frankly, Not All That Impressed With Whistler’s Mum),” “Sharing The Night Together (With Your Best Mate’s Sister Is Not Going To End Well For Either Of You)” and, of course, “(Totally Stoned) On The Cover Of The Rolling Stone.” On a personal note, Yours Truly Dooley had the pleasure of policing a Medicine Show at the BBC, circa 1980. The evening found the good doctor in fine form, struttin’ and a-hollerin’ until a wardrobe malfunction bared his chest, which led to a near skirmish amongst his hirsute sidemen after the performance. Seems the fellers didn’t like being further upstaged by their charismatic cover boy singer; but in his good-natured way, he cajoled them into brushin’ it off and they commenced to a-drinkin’ and a-carryin’ on ‘til all hours. Dr. Hook later “opened his own practice,” as ‘twere, playing solo for years on the oldies circuit. Just three years retired, Dr. Hook died quietly in Daytona Beach, Florida and one trusts that other long-haired howlers of the era will welcome his RIP-snortin’ company at that Rock Concert stage in the sky. Dr. Hook was 81.
Monday, December 27
Acting Inappropriately
Sunday, December 26
Another Great Moment in Boxing History
Saturday, December 25
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
A doff of the fabric headwrap to proverbial third banana, Joseph of Nazareth. If ‘tweren’t for this intrepid nail pounder, the Virgin-esque Mary would’ve been subject to stoning or other unkindly acts from the uncircumsized lynch mobs of the day. Who knows if wunderkind J. Christ himself would’ve been born but for the unselfishness of the original Good Joe. If you think me disrespecting to suggest such a thing on this the holiest of Christian days, ask yourself what mortal man among us would marry a woman who claims to be without sin, yet is revealed to be with child prior to the wedding and sit-down reception of fishes and loaves? How would he react when visited in a dream by an angel of the Lorde and told that his intended will bear a son who’ll save the citizenry from their sins, but the lad won’t be named Sonny Boy Junior, but bloody Emmanuel? The scene in the Bethlehem barnyard with the baby in swaddling clothes— bandages—resting in a manger—feeding trough—would surely try the most stoic of men.One imagines poor, honourable Joseph holding the umbilical cord of the newborn who is not his own, surrounded by goats, cows and three wizened old men, his patience tried to the very limit, muttering under his breath, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” And so ‘tis that we salute this goodly Godly servant, along with surrogate Mother Mary, upon the birth of their beloved Christ child. A bygone era’s Modern Family, as we think of it. Merry Christmas, all.
Friday, December 24
Jesus H. Loggins
Thursday, December 23
Warming Trend
Frostbite is no laughing matter. You mock the space-heating, cherry wood cabinetry-making skills of the Holmes County Mennonites at your own bloody peril. I have it on good authority—which is to say that I’ve felt a warmish glow of “heat” emanating from our very own Hot Pockets brand “fire-like place” at the station house—and confirm that these space age contraptions defy the laws of science, if not the laws of Judge Judy herself, and that the LED Fireless Flame will heat a pocket of air faster than you can recite the Mennonite hymnal, “Jesus Built My Horse Buggy.” If you hope to survive the inclemencies of the Polar Gore-Tex, you would be Dooley Advised to get thee to the nearest furniture barn to look for the Good-and-God-Fearing Housekeeping Seal of Approval, “As Advertised On The Telly,” and prepare for an ostensible warming of no less than two to three cockles.
Wednesday, December 22
Yes, Ryan, There Is A Santy Claus®
Tuesday, December 21
Blasphemer Rhymes With Reemer
Monday, December 20
Bananas Foster
Sunday, December 19
Santa's Baby
Saturday, December 18
The Good Son
Friday, December 17
Man Up
I cannot have a beloved grandchild dousing — nor douching — him or herself with that infernal
Axe® Body Spray whilst under my roof! Kindly direct yourself to the medicine cabinet in the station house latrine and avail yourself of granddad's icy blue Aqua Vulva® aftershave — available online at The Art of Manliness™ — and let's right this egregious wrong! Uncap the distinctive — shatterproven — container, pour generously into your wee palms and slap your cheeks thusly. Now sprinkle some of that trademarked menthol goodness about your underarms, a hint at the snap of your BVDs
and go about your day with confidence, my dearest young relation!
Thursday, December 16
Cowardly Lyin'
Wednesday, December 15
Do Tell, Orwell

Tuesday, December 14
"Va te faire foutre" if you'll pardon our French Fry
Monday, December 13
Monkey Shines
Sunday, December 12
Barefootin' the Park: Remembering Billy Jack

Saturday, December 11
Ogilvy Smather
Friday, December 10
A Couple of Real Wisenheimers

Thursday, December 9
Force of Habit
Random Memorandum to Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation: A blessed— which is to say, cloistered and contemplative —day to you, your Holiness. We at the station house applaud your goodly works and are ever mindful of your prayerful pursuits. Indeed, we often light on your Eternal Word Television Network streams— albeit briefly, with some amusement —before settling in with a Dick Van Dyke Show Youtube marathon, featuring our beloved Morrie Amsterdam. That said, Mother Angelica, ‘tis my duty to inform you that your raging desire to exact punishment on the sinful appears to have clearly crossed the saintly/secular line that divides our church and state. As a uniformed official charged with patrolling the vast and serpentine Arnold “Al” Gore Misinformation Superhighway, ‘tis I who have dominion over evildoers in cyberspace, such as social media marketers, Spotify record executives and news aggravator Arianna Hufnstuf. However well-intentioned the intensity of your “messaging”—as the marketing dopes would have it—your trademark “balling of the fist” at the lawless in our midst undermines my authority. With all respect due, Citizen Sisterhooded, you would be Dooley Advised to seize and resist threats of corporal punishment, keeping your mitts under cover of layered garmentry, for the counting of beaded rosaries, one supposes. Allow our police brethren on terra firma to properly beat villains about the head, neck and nadsack, whilst you stick to the hellfire and brimstone business we so enjoy. Respectfully Yours Truly, Constable Doyle “Dooley” Johns, Internet Patrolman (IP).