A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Tuesday, January 4
You've Got Mailman!
A doff of the Red Star Army® cap to our ol' chum Raymond, the Chinese postman. Come hellish high waters, rain or sunshine, Raymond stops at nothing to ensure that all station house deliverables— inkwells, college-ruled tablet paper, eraser heads, typewriter ribbons, floppy computing diskettes, zipped storage drivers, dry cell batteries, crème sodas, sweet n' salty sustenance, Harry-O and David fruits n' nuts, mountainous Toblerone® chocolates, VHS-taped police procedurals (Dragnet, Adam-12), Beano® flatus inhibiting tablets, Lavoris® gargling wash, dental string, cake soaps, Shinola™ boot polish, loop-handled Saf-T-Pop® suckers (for the school-age visitors), Pokemon® trading cards (for the janitorial staff) and True Detective® periodicals (for our interning Academy recruits) — the lot of it — the entirety of our mail-order essentials — arrives in timely, accurate fashion thanks to the never-say-Neverland-Ranch tenacity of Master Ray. You’ve set the tow rope high, Far Eastern friend! We’ll be lucky if we don’t lose you to the circus!