A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Sunday, January 9
Semen First Class
The station house extends a maritime salute to first mate Bob "Denver" Deutschendorf Jr. who would have been 85 on this day had he not fallen forever overboard, as 'twere, in 2002. But never mind that, today is about happy remembrances, birthday memes and 85 ill-performing Factory Card Outlet® candles lit in honour of a bucket-hatted semen, first class. Born January 9, 1935, in, one supposes, Denvertown, Colorado, "Gilligan," as he was nicknamed by his tub-a-larded childhood mate and future skipper Jonas Grumby, was a loveable lunkhead who went on to international acclaim in "The Bachelor, Island Edition," aka, "Gilligan's Island." The endearing reality TV showman and object of affections would charm the shorty shorts off of comely shipmate Dawn Wells, not to mention the shimmering teal gowns off statue-etched Ginger Somebody when she wasn't getting busy with that Professor bloke and if it surprises you to hear us posit this, "too damn bad about ya'," as mum used to say. What in blue sky blazes do you think was goin' on 'neath the stars when cameras ran out of pedal-generated juice and the cast, err castaways, and crew were eyeballin' one 'nother 'round the campfire? In any event, today the station house remembers Bob Denver — everyman, ladies' man and funnyman. The bestest lil' buddy in ports o' call 'round the globe, providing many a chuckle and chortle, all the livelong day. Happy Birthday, Chumley!