Wednesday, October 28

1/4 Flash + 1/4 Substance + 1/4 Persistence + 1/4 Luck = One QuarterFlash®

Well as I live and breath a superspreader cloud of Corona® branded viral particulates! If it isn't — as best I can determine — early MTV® era darlings QuarterFlash®, with their gravel-throated, Bette-Davis-eyed frontwoman Kim Carnes or perhaps Blondie® Tyler! Hailing from the Northwesternly Territories of Oregon or Sweden, the head-banded heart-hardeners in this sixsome — two bloody threesomes, if you will, and why wouldn’t you? — were long on satiny looks and synthesized hooks. One of the “saxiest” mixed gender "outfits" to grace a 1980’s concert stage, they were considered one-hit wonders in some circles, but not Yours Truly Dooley's™! Drop your socks and set back your clocks for the return of — upon further study — possibly ABBA®!