A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Thursday, October 15
Flipping Out
Random Memorandum™ to the pink-swaddled finger-flipper making his/her way 'round the Twitternet®: I don't give a goo-goo goddamn how bloody old you are. I care not one whit whether you've been photo-shopped, chopped or lopped into infamy. You, young citizen, are complicit in this disrespectful charade, all the same. I raised a child of my own, mind you. I know that decent, God-and-authority-figure-fearing lads and lasses are too busy sucking their thumbs to bother balling their fists defiantly for the camera. 'Twould appear to this Internet Patrolman (IP) that had your opposable digit been properly plugged up its suckhole, PhotoChopping™ the picture in the manner displayed here would've been bloody impossible. So shove that extended finger that some call "the bird" up your teenaged mommy's keister and, as soon as you're capable of forming words, tell her boyfriend — the digital hooligan responsible for this profanity — the boyfriend who's not your daddy and never will be — to sod off. Yours Truly, Constable Dooley®.