A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Saturday, October 24
Costumed, Partly
Random Memorandum™ to the inventory-deficient dummkopfs at online retailers Oktoberfest Haus: 'Tis the season for costumed folly, by golly, so you'll imagine "meine" disenchantment upon receiving e-mailed notification that your authentic Alps Yodeler regalia is on back order. Blutige hölle, gents, calibrate your Swiss watches! If you don’t have the full line of floppy peasant hats, cloth suspenders and embroidered knee breeches on shelves in late Oktober, methinks you best hike up your lederhosen, blow out das Puppenkerzen® candles and call it ein nacht. Adding insult to grievous injury, the alternative ensemble you proffer — the KnackWursten Schützenfest Dangler™ — is an affront to propriety, looking rather like something Austrian fashion atrocity Brüno Gerhard (pictured) would wear. Are you suggesting that I parade 'round the station house nearly nackt arsed? Do you Deutschbags™ think I was born yesterday on the side of a Bavarian mountain?