A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Tuesday, July 7
Gringo, Starr
The station house sends a birthday shoutout to the peace-sign flashing, pigskin-pounding Beatle Brother, Gordon Ringo "Gringo" Starsky. Born July 7, 1940 in an "Octopus' Garden," which is to say Liverpool, Gringo joined the lads in 1962, replacing original drummer Pete Best who, tragically, lost an arm in a car crash prior to the infamous "Pyromania" sessions. Whilst Best endeavoured to carry on with the band, feverishly banging out drum bits with his remaining appendages, the technology that would allow future one-armed UK drum pounders to trigger the snare with the foot normally used for hi-hat pedals had yet to be invented, so he hung up his sticks for a career in civil servantry — bless him — and Gringo took his seat behind the drumkit, where he remained until 1970. Gringo later enjoyed success as the husband of an American actress before forming Gringo + His All-Starr Band, a popular touring assemblage that features a revolving cast of musicians from such oddball 70's acts as Mister Mister Mister, Journeymen at Work and Todd Rundgrend & his Little Dog Toto. Peace and birthday love to you, Citizen Starrman™.