Friday, March 27

"I am a Man Who Would Slice For Your Honour."

A doff of the chef's cap to friend of the station house George — or possibly Peter — Pappa-Dappa-Something-Or-Other for steering his sturdy chuckwagon over hill and dale to surprise and delight the entirety of our squadron with his signature tzatzichi-drenched, double-meat Yēro samwiches, cottage-fried, Feta-toppled potato wedges and nutty sweet Baked Lava™ bars for dessert. "I am a man who would slice for your honour," says George or Peter. Indeed you are, citizen! Doing it all for the glorious love of salty meats, cheesy side offerings and sugary sweetened treats! The Greek Gods have surely shined upon us this day. Hope-ahhh to see you soon, Citizen SliceMaster™!