A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Wednesday, September 2
The Wicker Man
'Tis a beautiful day in the neighbour "wood," if you'll allow it, a summer day — the last of them and the last summer weekend according to a check of the station house astronomer's telesope — a day of respite for some, the working men and woman who are the lifeblood — and backbone — of the economic machine, but not those working at the "big box" retailers — as the marketing dopes would have it — for what better way to mark the equinox thingy with an end-of-summer sale on seasonal furnishings! Indeed, a day of 18-hour "blowouts," all featuring detestable, mass-produced steel and plasticine patio ensembles, whose rigid conformity is frankly an affront to the hand-sewn brilliance of rattan and the weather-beaten tenacity of wicker! Fortunately, I am not alone in desiring more organic structures in the great outdoors. For the penultimate in natural comfort, consider the achievements of station house computer technician and treehugger bugger Donal "Woody" Watts. The Woodman has fashioned an outdoor recliner that would put a bloody hammock to shame; a piece of living art, eight years in the making. They said he couldn't do it, but here he is, kicking his curiously non-organic Croc® heels and having the last, long-bearded laugh. Bravo, Citizen Arborist™!