A compendium of oddball observation, misinformation, shout-outs, put-downs and pointless harangues from Constable Dooley, uniformed—if altogether uninformed—chronicler of history, society & celebrity
Saturday, August 8
Sweet Hitch-A-Hiker
Halt! Halt! Hold it right there, free-wheeling, free-loving fleshmongers of the previous millenia! Let me see if I'm following this wretched musical tale correctly: Like a picture she was laying there? Moonlight dancing off her hair? She woke up and took some buggerer by the hand? Made love to him in his filthy, fringe-carpeted Chevy® Van? And that was alright with them? Well, it isn't alright with Yours Truly Dooley®! I remain unimpressed with this tawdry tale of roadside promiscuity and will endeavor to pester all playlist misters until this distasteful ode to hitchhikery is silenced! The notion of sexual payment for the favor of transport is not only unseemly, 'tis bloody illegal. I would Dooley Advise™ all parties in this obscene scenario — bare chested, hip-huggered or otherwise — to button up and be on their way. Bloody hell, the 1970’s were horrible.