Friday, January 14

Up! With People!

Well, as I live and breathe the vestiges of industrial, wartime pollution! If this isn’t a fine how-do-you-do across the ages! Tip-top of the Tuesday morning to you, citizens of the previous millenia! Mum always said that strangers are friends you haven’t met yet, so allow me to introduce myself: I am Doyle "Dooley" Johns, Internet Patrolman™. I have been dutifully attending to these digital pathways for some time now and am always encouraged to see a cheerful assemblage of new faces. I must say that your outstretched, stiff-armed wave has a curious salute-like quality to it. A salutation, come to think of it, reminiscent of the Queen Mother’s — hand rotating in semi-circular fashion, as though warshing the windows — not that the Queen would. Warsh windows, haha! No matter, today is your day, good-hearted patrons of the past. Your open-armed welcome to all races and creeds is the sign of polite society; something in short supply of late! I wish you good day, GodSpeedo® and gracious Sieg Heil smiles. Yours Truly, Constable Dooley.