Monday, November 30

A Waxing of the Whiskers

A doff of the patrolman’s helmet and a waxing of the whiskers to the legion of Mo’ Bros whose bristly batons made this a Movember to Remember™. Bravo, Citizens Hirsute! Whilst tastes and genetics dictate the style and heft of one’s crumb catcher, methinks most every moustache has merit, with obvious exceptions throughout history such as the toothbrush moustache popularized by self-pleasuring Deutschbag™ Adolpho Hitler and courtroom roundballer Michael Jordan, and the No. 2 pencil thin moustachio sported by actor/annoyance Sean Penn. Yours Truly Dooley® prefers a bit of twirl to his tea strainer — handlebars for a proper moustache ride, if you will, and why wouldn't you, haha! On that note, we bring this Movember to a close — which is not to say "close shave" as we are inclined to leave the straightedge in the medicinal cabinet and the brow atop the upper lip until further notification. Right!