Thursday, November 12

Thank you for your service or something

As I Understand It™, today, or possibly yesterday — one of the two — is/was a day of international service recognition, a day when the citizenry stand together — albeit 6 ft. apart — in tavereens or restaurant vestibules — waiting an hour for seating, guzzling watery cocktails — to honour the selfless warriors who do what need be done so their fellow countrymen might live free from drudgery — if not free of charge, plus 20% gratuity — in the pursuit of happy-ish. The station house salutes all Citizen Serverers™ — waiterers, bartenderers, bed makerers, police issue boot polisherers, shirt starcherers, toilet scrubberers and other service industry veterans — the everyday heroes who do their part with only mild complaining and occasional skimming of the registerers and drinking of the top shelf liquorers. Happy Service Day one and all!