Saturday, April 11

Angel in the Centerfold

As I Understand It™, today is International Pet Day®, a day which celebrates either the four-legged, two-winged or blue-gilled loved ones in your life — boring, snoring! — or the enchanting swim-suited pin-ups — "pets," if you will, and why wouldn't you? — that men of moral fiber have for admired for generations. (We'll go with the latter, pin-up pets, householden pets be bloody damned, thank you very kindly, your arse.) Truth be well told, back in our day at the Academy, center-folded pets were pinned in lockers up and down the line and 'twas always on the up and up. The angels in our centerfolds were clad, never scantily-so, as you wouldn't want to see your sister in the altogether on your mate's wall, why would you expect it from someone else's? A shoulder bared, a calf flashed and a come hither look were all it took to compel a respectful urging — one might say, surging — but you didn't cross the line then, nor do gents today. The station house extends its best to all pets and their would-be heavy petting admirers.