Monday, February 7

John, Paul, George & Zingo

We were local lads with limited musical skillsets, but our aims were true and our intentions goodly. We weren’t the best-looking, the most monied or fawned over in the broadsheets, but parents could drop off their lasses at our gigs without fear of unwelcome canoodling backstage. We played a short set of skiffel covers in gymnasiums 'round the local hamlets, had but one original to receive proper “airplay” — “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thames” over the grocer’s public address system — and had no plans for a “British invasion” stateside. We were thick as thieves and aside from squabbles over lasses and pomade product, were band "mates" in every sense. Here, for your time-traveling musical pleasantry, are John, Paul, George, Zingo and Yours Truly Dooley®...The Pollywoggs™!